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Cream Cheese Chocolate Tart


Cream cheese chocolate tart topped with raspberries


1 1/2 cups all-purpose four

1/2 cup confectioner's sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 stick plus 2 tablespoons cold butter

1 large egg

3 tablespoon cocoa powder


6 ounces cream cheese

1/2 a can sweetened condensed milk (or to taste)

teaspoon lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon almond exstract (optional)


Pulse the flour, sugar and salt together in a blender. Add cut up frozen butter to dry mixture and pulse until you see small chunks of butter. Whisk the egg and add it a little by little, pulsing after each addition. The dough will end up looking like a crumble. Now knead the dough until it barely comes together. Then chill for 1 hour before rolling out.

Bake the tart shell at 375F. For a large tart bake for 15 minutes. For small tarts bake for 10 minutes


Blend room temperature cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice.

Now fill the cooled tart shells and let it set in a cool place for an hour. Then add whatever toping you like I topped. I it with raspberries but I have also topped it with mixed berries.

Time to enjoy!

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