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Chocolate Souffle

A light and fluffy chocolate souffle.

2/3 cup all purpose flour

2/3 cup melted butter

2 cups milk

1/2 cup sugar

6 oz dark chocolate

8 egg yolks

2 tsp vanilla extract

10 egg whites

1/4 sugar

Serves about 10-12 (depending on how big your ramekins are)

Preheat ovan to 375f

Mix butter and flour together into a paste

In a pot dissolve 1/2 cup of sugar in milk and bring it to a boil. Remove from heat and slowly add milk into the flour paste.

Then return to heat and mix until it has thickened (about 3 minutes.)

Transfer mixture to a mixing bowl. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile melt your chocolate in a bain marie(double broiler) or in a microwave in 20 second intervals. Then add chocolate to flour mixture.

Beat egg yolks and vanilla vigorously. Gradually add to your eggs yolks into the rest of your mixture.

Now whip up your egg whites until it forms medium peaks then while your still whipping slowly add your 1/4 cup sugar until it forms stiff peaks.

Then stir in 1/4 of the egg whites into the chocolate mix. Now carefully fold in half of the remaining egg whites until it is completely incorporated then do you same with the rest off the egg whites.

Prepare you ramekins by brushing butter on the them then covering the inside with sugar.

Then fill your ramekins to the top and level off with a knife. Then with your thumb create a damn around the edges of the souffle

Bake for 15 minutes

Serve immediately with whatever toppping you want

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